How Jeni Britton transformed her health

"I'm not a health guru, far from it. I'm an ice cream maker and entrepreneur who loves pleasure and life. Four years ago, my body was completely out of whack from inflammation, which showed in my physical appearance and energy levels. My anxiety and adrenaline were off the charts. 

I did two simple things that changed everything: I started eating as much fiber as possible and walking in the forest every day. I still eat ice cream nearly daily!

But with those minor shifts, it wasn't long before my skin began to glow again, and I felt re-energized. I'm fifty years old and feel younger than I did ten years ago."

Jeni Britton - Founder of Floura & Co. and Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams

Where it all started

A few years ago, I read research highlighting the benefits of using prebiotic fibers from fresh watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, mango, and pineapple rinds. A lightbulb went off! 

I remembered the summer days spent in the Jeni's kitchen, making melon sorbet and tossing the cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon trimmings into the compost. Can these trimmings be used to create a product that would benefit the microbiome and the environment? I called some friends, and Floura was born.

Floura for the Planet

We’re on a mission to redirect and reinvent 100 million pounds of trimmings from fresh produce like rinds, skins, cores and stems that would otherwise end up part of a massive global issue of food waste.

We’re completely reimagining how we engage with these amazing ingredients by finding flavor, purpose and potency in these otherwise wasted beauties. We’re glad you’re along for the ride!

The Floura Team

We've assembled the dream team to bring the Floura bars to life. You all know me, so let me tell you about some of my partners.

Mark Edwards co-founded Floura with me. He and his wife, Inese, have mastered the art of industrial fermentation and production of our ingredients in the F&S plant.

Jeremy Nelson heads our product development team. He is a Michelin-starred chef and shares my passion for flavor and sensory satiation.

Carl Seletz has many years of experience running operations for GNC and understands what it takes to get bars on shelves and sold through.

  • F&S Fresh Produce

    F&S Fresh Produce is a family-owned and operated company in the heart of New Jersey farm country. Floura occupies 4,000 sf inside the nearly 600,000 sf food processing facility owned by F&S. It's here they prepare the excellent cut fruit and vegetables enjoyed by over 100 million customers, which is the source of our upcycled fruit trimmings.

  • The Center for Advanced Functional Foods at OSU

    CAFFRE at The Ohio State University is an interdisciplinary center guides our approach to selecting foods that can heal us from the inside out. The CAFFRE team is comprised of a diverse group of scientists, medical professionals and policy experts collaborating on functional foods research resulting in more than $19M in nationally sponsored projects and over 300 publications on food and health.

  • Upstate New York and New Jersey Fruit Farmers

    There’s nothing like the fragrance, flavor, and texture of fresh, in-season, tree-ripened apples. Thanks to many apple farmers located in upstate New York and New Jersey, we were able to get our hands on some of that wonderful bounty to make beautiful and delicious apple paste using freshly sliced parts of the apple that would otherwise be wasted!

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