With love, Jeni

I spent 26 years making America’s best ice cream and recently took on my biggest challenge yet: working with fresh rinds, cores, skins to make something beneficial and tasty. I love the Floura Bar and I know you’ll love it too. -xo Jeni

More Fiber. Less Food Waste.

What happens to that apple core and those watermelon rinds after you pick up the freshly sliced fruit from the grocery? The short version is they become part of a global issue: food waste.

But good news: we’re doing something about that! Our goal is to divert 100 million pounds of fresh produce that would otherwise be wasted.


Hard core about apple cores (and skins, and fermented melon rinds)

Floura & Co. redirects and reinvents trimmings from fresh produce like rinds, skins and cores. We reimagine the way we engage with these amazing ingredients by finding flavor, purpose and potency in these otherwise wasted beauties. The diverse fibers and micronutrients inside are great for you and we need to eat them, not toss them!

Floura is for Every Body, Every Day!

Hear what real people think about Floura Bars!