The mega impact of micronutrients found in produce trimmings

The mega impact of micronutrients found in produce trimmings

Did you know that the parts of fruits and vegetables we typically discard, like rinds and peels, are packed with micronutrients and prebiotic fiber? Floura Bars are revolutionizing how we think about produce trimmings by turning these often-wasted parts into nutritional powerhouses that fuel our gut health.

What’s Special About Floura Bars?
Floura Bars are made from a unique blend of upcycled fruit trimmings, including rinds from cantaloupe, honeydew, mango, pineapple, and fermented watermelon rind. These ingredients are rich in prebiotic fiber, which feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut, promoting better digestion and overall health. The fiber in these trimmings, particularly in the rinds, is often higher than what you find in the flesh of the fruit, making these bars an incredible source of fiber that nourishes your microbiome.

The Role of Prebiotic Fiber
Prebiotic fiber helps maintain a balanced gut by feeding the good bacteria that reside there. Floura Bars include a "Superfiber Flour Mix," which combines several sources of prebiotic fiber from fruit rinds. This helps diversify your fiber intake, a key factor in supporting a robust and healthy gut microbiome. By nourishing a wide variety of gut bacteria, these bars can help improve digestion, immunity, and even mental well-being.

Beyond Nutrition—Reducing Waste
Floura’s commitment to sustainability is just as impressive as its focus on health. By using upcycled fruit trimmings, Floura Bars help divert large amounts of produce from landfills, transforming what would have been waste into a delicious, nutrient-dense product. This aligns with their mission to create food that is good for both the planet and the body.

Whether you're enjoying Raspberry Rose or Mango Cardamom flavors, Floura Bars are packed with prebiotic fiber and essential micronutrients that make them a true superfood snack, all while reducing food waste and supporting your gut health.
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